Friday, November 14, 2008

Last Tardy Thoughts on Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin is continuing to hang around in the headlines and on the news long past her sell-by date. At least as far as I'm concerned.

I admit that it's troubling to see her still plotting. I figured she'd fade peacefully into obscurity like she should, and so since she hasn't I suppose it's best for someone to keep tabs on her.

Nevertheless, we're still just beyond the point where Sarah bashing is relevant and amusing, and so I hesitate to bring her up. I hesitate also because, as I mentioned in my last post, it's almost unforgivably pretentious to assume that anyone gives a shit how I feel politically. Disregarding that, here goes:

I read reccently on Wikipedia about an interesting phenomenon called "anal-winking". According to them, a certain Dr. Stuart Horn discovered that "a noxious or tactile stimulus will cause a 'wink' contraction of the anal sphincter muscles and also flexion". A controversy emerged from this, when another doctor, a Bruce Woodling "developed the anal wink test, which he alleged was an indisputable diagnostic indicator that a child had been sodomized."

Wikipedia goes on to say that these ideas have now been "utterly discredited", and calls them pseudoscientific. Specifically, they say "Woodling's pseudoscientific testimony during the trial of Ray Buckey contributed to Buckey spending five years in prison without bail. Buckey was later released without conviction".

This is, of course, very sad. And it's unfortunate that Woodling's negligence may have cause innocent people to suffer this sort of persecution.

Nevertheless, I think in the case of Sarah Palin, Woodling's assertion may still hold true:

"When an asshole winks at you, you know there's gonna be some ass-fucking involved".


Anonymous said...


Oney and I are of the opinion that this is dynamite. We don't know from whence came this "ass-fucking" bit, but rest assured, if that's pure Brown magic, this world can surely become a paradise.

-E.R. Phmode & B. Marney Oney, Esqs.

Lorenzo said...

Update, please.

Anonymous said...

you're obviously not as dedicated to this blog as we are, Ben. You asshole.