Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Oh Boy...

If you scroll down to my last post and check the comments section, you'll notice that someone named "Urdu" representing a website called "Urdu Rasala" digs my blog. I can tell from the scripted tone of this entity's message that it doesn't give a fuck about the content of this blog, but probably scans blogs for Indian key words or something and offers to add them to its blogroll. Needless to say, this is pretty crappy. This is not an Indian blog about India, goddammit! I am not some Air-Jordan wearing, bhangra-listening Desi kid from Jersey involved in Marthomite youth groups who wants an MBA from Rutgers! Motherfuck that!

I'm pretty sure that the only people who'd get the above references would be offended, so maybe I should change that, but fuck it! I don't censor myself by god! This is one ABCD who isn't going to mince words and shuck and jive for the man! I may have an exaggerated sense of my own importance, my blog might be some bore-you-to-tears rag about suburban blandness, signifying nothing, but christ-dammit I have integrity! At least some! And so, in short, I'm gonna try to Not Talk About India Much from now on, and you UrduRasala maderchods can jao chodo yourselves! So there!

Heh! In other news, as we speak shit is popping off in London with the G20 protests, and woe betide any dude who shows up in a trench coat and bowler hat. If this was thirty years ago, maybe some "mods" would get caught in the crossfire. I hear the Watchmen movie was okay, but I still wish that Snyder prick would dive into a wheat-thresher.

My buddy showed me this youtube blogger called Ladyw87 and I think I'm in love. She speaks candidly about her sex life and the sex lives of her near and dear. She's funny and gorgeous and has, like, 12,000 subscribers. I am now one of them. I encourage everyone to watch, subscribe, and make this chick famous. Not that my opinion carries a lot of weight.

I invented a fun game today, invent movie titles using a simple formula: (Funny Name) semicolon (funny job) like "Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo" So far I've got "Rascal Davies: Freelance Executioner" "Boris Pepperman: Devious Tooth-Mechanic" and "Wallace Tusker: Anthropomorphic Elephant Small Claims Adjuster". This last obviously needs work.

So, I dunno if you've figured it out, but I have nothing to talk about.


Lorenzo said...

Herk Heimmler: German Extractor

Scub Gorch: Prospector to the Stars

Chet Bain: Child Converter

Anonymous said...

the air-Jordan guy your referencing sounds like one of your cousins you were describing the other day.. with contempt. [insert witty semicolon-esque movie title here] but I have to think about it. I like that though. how many of those movies are there! so many.